What to do if you find asbestos

Asbestos is a highly dangerous mineral that was extremely popular and widely used in various construction materials, practices & household items. Used extensively in the early 1940s through to the 1970s the material was eventually banned until its severe health hazards were discovered in the late 20th century. 

When disturbed asbestos fibres become airborne they can cause serious respiratory illnesses, including life-threatening diseases such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. Therefore, finding asbestos in your home or workplace can be extremely worrying and we highly recommend you handle the situation carefully, and safely by calling your local professional to examine & test the dangerous materials.

In this asbestos-themed article, we provide information on the important steps you should take when discovering Asbestos:

Do Not Touch or Disturb The Suspected Asbestos

If you think you have found asbestos in your home or workplace, the first step is simple. Avoid touching or disturbing the material at all costs. Asbestos fibres can easily become airborne and pose a health risk if they are inhaled. Avoid sweeping, vacuuming, or any activity that may create dust around the area.

Contact a Clearview Asbestos Professional:

Removing Asbestos is definitely not a do-it-yourself (DIY) job you can take a chance with. Upon discovery we highly recommend you contact a certified asbestos professional that can test and remove the dangerous materials. Our professionals have the required training, experience, and equipment to safely identify, test, and remove asbestos from a property for you.

Assess The Risk of Exposure:

The risk of exposure changes on the condition of the material in question. Please consider the amount of asbestos present and the likelihood of the disturbance of the material. Asbestos-containing materials that are left in a good condition and unlikely to be disturbed in the future do not pose a significant health risk. However, if the material is damaged, crumbling, or likely to be disturbed & release fibres into the air, then you should immediately take action to completely remove it or encapsulate it.

Develop An Asbestos Management Plan:

If asbestos-containing material is present on your property, it’s essential to have a good management plan in place to monitor and control any potential exposure. This plan should include regular inspections, periodic air monitoring, and appropriate labelling of the material. Clearview provides an in-depth management service allowing you to take advantage of our expert knowledge.

Consider Encapsulation or Removal:

If the material containing asbestos is in healthy condition and not likely to be disturbed by humans or animals then encapsulation may be the best option for you. This essentially means a sealant or coating is applied over the material to prevent any harmful fibres from being realised. However, if the material is damaged or likely to be disturbed to the extent fibres escape then removing it is your only choice and an absolute must. This should be removed at your earliest convenience by a trained professional with the correct equipment and safety measures. 

In conclusion, finding asbestos in your property can be a serious issue, and is essential you handle the situation carefully and safely. If you suspect that you have found asbestos we highly recommend you completely avoid touching or disturbing the material, stop any work around the area and contact a Clearview professional. 

Once found it is important to develop an asbestos management plan, which includes regular inspections and appropriate labelling where possible. Doing this can help you monitor and control any potential exposure that could harm your family, friends or work colleagues. 

Finally, you should consider encapsulation or complete removal of the dangerous material. By taking these steps, you can help to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.

Posted in Asbestos, Latest News
Air Testing